Our Showroom

Project Rio 2016


  • Federal Ministry of Defense and Sport
  • Date

  • August 2015
  • Location

  • Austria
  • Involvement

  • Design, Development, Concept, Implementation
  • Project

  • Website, App (iOS & Android)
  • Links


Engage with Sports

“We have a goal” was the motto of the sportspeople in Project Rio while they were preparing for the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro in 2016. The app enabled fans to join the sports stars on their journey to Rio. It supplied detailed information, images, and videos on all the athletes and provided insights into the training, the competitions, and the funding initiatives by the Ministry of Sports. Additionally, there was a social media hub linked to the Facebook and Instagram pages of all the athletes. Users could mark their favorite sports personalities, making it quicker and easier to access related news articles, Facebook and Instagram posts. The app made it possible for everyone to become part of “Project Rio” and the #WirhabeneinZiel (“We have a goal”) community, and take part in lots of activities via expanded features such as actual challenges with the Project Rio athletes, a point challenge, and competitions with great prizes.