Our Showroom

PKZ Burger-Kehl & Co AG


  • PKZ Burger-Kehl & Co AG
  • Date

  • 2014
  • Location

  • Switzerland
  • Involvement

  • Concept, Design, Implementation, Service
  • Project

  • iOS Tablet
  • Links


PKZ – POS Crossselling

With the StylePad APP, the customer is directly provided the opportunity to take the "StylePad" and to see the overall range of brands are available in this store. S(he) can have a look at the latest Looks (assortment of clothing items) for women or men, and then buy directly in the online shop or s(he) can take the help of the staff at the store to put together the look. Since screensavers with the latest looks and the movies on the Looks (fashion shows) also run on the devices, the customer is encouraged to choose the most suitable look for himself/herself and to find the right fashion for him/her with interactive help. The looks are filtered according to the brands and stores - which brands are available in which stores.