Our Showroom

Kunstmuseum Basel


  • Kunstmuseum Basel, Switzerland
  • Date

  • 2023
  • Involvement

  • Copywriting, translation, audio production, project management, hardware
  • Links


The “Wild Beasts” of Paris

Modernism began with a scandal - at least according to legend. At the Paris Salon d`Automne in 1905, art critic Louis Vauxcelles referred to a loose group of artists as "Fauves" - Wild Beasts. From their expressive gestures, perceived as garish and shocking, art critics made the first avant-garde movement in the 20th century. Between 1904 and 1908, the Fauves set the tone in Paris.

The Kunstmuseum Basel is dedicating an impressive and colorful special exhibition to the "Fauves". Our accompanying audio guide asks - and answers! - many questions:

How did the artists work and live back then? What was Paris like at the turn of the century? What social upheavals were taking place? Who was friends with whom? How did they see and portray themselves and each other? What roles did women play in the art scene - from models to artists to gallery owners?

The visitors get background information about the artists of the "Fauves" and their time. This gives visitors the opportunity to engage intensively with art on a deeper level. We provide assistance in viewing and interpreting the paintings, open up new perspectives and give food for thought. Enriched with quotations, excerpts from letters as well as contemporary music, the audio guide offers a narrative travel companion to artistic France around 1900.

We have also set some letters to music, which provide authentic insight and show how precarious the situation could be for young women in the vibrant European metropolises of London and Paris at the turn of the century.

Our audio guide to the exhibition, which will be on view from 02.09.2023 until 21.01.2024, will be available on loan devices on site in German, English and French. It takes visitors on a journey of about an hour - to the south of France, to Normandy and, of course, to Paris!